Tuesday, March 18, 2014

overwhelmed.. enough said

two assignments due tonight :(

Sunday, August 14, 2011

First Cuts

They say the first cut is the deepest. I believe it completely. I keep contemplating as to whether I should be the one to call him back or wait for him to call him back, so I have been seeking spiritual help. Hopefully after a week I will be calm enough to understand and evaluate what has been happening with me.....
a few other questions have been tangling my mind also:
- Write the GMAT?
-Write an Email to two Professors thanking them for their help
-MEd or MMPA... I'm confused

"O Allah! I seek goodness from Your Knowledge and with Your Power (and Might) I seek strength, and I ask from You Your Great Blessings, because You have the Power and I do not have the power. You Know everything and I do not know, and You have knowledge of the unseen. "

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Perfectly described my feelings

In a Daze
I walk around in a daze...
my hollowed out interior
filled with smoky gloom,
choking off all joy.
Just as life begins to clear,
I gasp aloud at the realization,
you’re not here;
you never will be again.
I wilt like a waterlily
in the desert.
I walk around in a daze...
By Joanna Fuchs

Sunday, May 22, 2011

My journey into a finding myself. and so on this journey I will be depending on:
Good friends
A Job

yes I did fall for him, i regret so many things. but then again dont we all.
i now have a Bachelors degree my next step is to get a masters degree and be stable.....

In regards to marrying I am worried but then again doesn't God have something for all of us. Are we not all destined to meet the right people, to marry the right people. God has his own way of figuring things out for us. So I now need to begin a schedule of things I will do . 

Monday, March 28, 2011


And so its 5am and I've been up since 4am . ... Have not yet completed the essay that I was talking about for today...
....Maybe I should.

I hate to procrastinate but its so hard to stop..  you know what I mean ;)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Day of Many Returns

So I've noticed I write in the blog on sad days but today is a good day. Not a fabulous day but better than average day.
I'm planning on finishing my essay tonight (Sunday), and finish the exam studying tomorrow(Monday)
write the test on tuesday :) with the presentations.
And on Wednesday and Thursday and Friday study hard core for GMAT.
also on the weekends :) that way ill be ready by the 11th of April.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

:) Morning thoughts

what I'm thankful for:

mornings (love that feeling of waking up for a fresh new day :))
breakfasts (my favourite meal of the day )
getting ready (mmmmm)