and so it begins or appears to begin..... angry because i did not treat his friend well, because i spoke my mind. but what about me? he said the he liked us better before, he said that he wasn't attracted to me like before, accused me of unethical things----- what about all that hurt?
I wonder where the empathy is in his heart, where the understanding is. if the veil of his ego will ever be lifted over his head. he purposely makes my look bad. And he has this way that he portrays me in front of his friends---- its terrible. I now know I must move on, I am not ready to talk. Not yet
I wonder where the empathy is in his heart, where the understanding is. if the veil of his ego will ever be lifted over his head. he purposely makes my look bad. And he has this way that he portrays me in front of his friends---- its terrible. I now know I must move on, I am not ready to talk. Not yet