Saturday, February 12, 2011


why? why have u made me into such an angry woman.

-one that hates the ups and down of life.

-one that absorbs her self into her books as an escape from her life

-one that uses a relationship as an escape and expects the one she is with to treat her like an angle and to provide her with everything--- such expectancy is not only unrealistic but also too much for the other person, usually leading to cheating, a desire to leave, feeling over burdened, and forced to give so much by the partner.

- one that hates life , thinks that you don't love her, thinks that u have wronged her

-one that begins to leave to exit to hide from the world and seek refuge in the wrong things and peopl

-one that gets sooo angryy and cannot concentrate

- one that loses focus

-one that doesn't trust anyone but her self and so feels only she can do things right

- one that comes back to "fix" things at the expense of her own happiness-->

 but its not true . she cant fix everything and u know that... then why do u make me feel all theses things and lead me on?
